The CPU Shack - descriptions and history of thousands of CPUs
Chargers, microprocessors, Arduino - The TMX1795, the (almost) first, forgotten microprocessor
Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser
You Cannot Lose What You Do Not Have, So Stop Having It!
Because experience is the only teacher
Shared public notes - Blog about IT, Security, etc
Chemistry with a twist
Words of wisdom from a systems engineer
Troy Hunt is a security professional
Scott Helme is a security researcher
Useful old technologies: ASN.1
Computer tijdsynchronisatie via GPS
MiniUPnP Project HomePage
The standard frequency in Europe’s electricity grid is 50 Hz. These frequencies must be kept as stable as possible.
How to ask the right question or formulate a query
Red pill or Blue pill? Once one chooses the red pill or blue pill, the choice is irrevocable!
Link to info streams (used to be on google-plus)
Crypt·o·phobe (n.) Een persoon die de privacy van anderen vreest.
Finding vulnerabilities and know how they work
Insights from man and machine, to help keep you safe wherever you go
The Unit 42 Threat Intelligence team provides threat research that enables security teams to understand adversary intent and attribution
Laurent Gaffié blog - security red and blue teams
Some random thoughts about Cryptographic Engineering
Blog by a technical security consultant and a fan of skepticism and free inquiry
Advanced persistent cybersecurity
Phil Zimmermann speaks out on encryption, privacy, and avoiding a surveillance state
the Open Rights Group Blog (UK)
Testing Lab - Articles from the Pentesting Field
How the Windows Firewall RPC Filter Works
Run your own private CA & ACME server using step-ca
Zero-Knowledge System Based Password Manager For Linux - Encryptr
Innovations and expertise for those technologies that turn a network of networks into an Open Internet for All
Rise of the Digital Angels, but will they outweigh the risks?
Keys Under Doormats, Security Report
A luks passphrase GUI prompt in Debian (with full disk encryption)
How to convert PEM to PFX in PowerShell including the private key
How To Create an ECC Certificate on Nginx for Debian
IIS Crypto tool for configuring Windows IIS
MicroservicesTV series - IBM developerWorks TV
The Lonely Administrator
The things that are better left unspoken
information technology in the broadest sense
bunnie's blog
Shell is Only the Beginning, the start of the journey
DBigCloud - Tu Blog de sitemas (VMware and PowerCLI)
You've Been Haacked - a blog about software development)
resources about microservices
Slackware Cloud Server Series – Summary
API Keys ≠ Security - Why API Keys Are Not Enough
Best Practices for Node.js Development
Ubuntu & Linux Tutorials, Tips & Guides
Git Git --everything-is-local
Phantom Token NGINX Module
Why Cheap Systems Run 32-bit UEFI on x64 Systems
User interface design for administrators
How does certificate-based authentication work?
Cloud permissions for VMware vSphere (Roles, Privileges and Permissions)
AMD Developer Guides & Manuals
Cleanup Unused Linux Kernels in Ubuntu
Developing Locally with Kubernetes
Developing Locally with Kubernetes (presentation video)
extracting and analyzing Windows patches
Roel's Praathoek (kpn webhost), een backup-kopie van de website
Roel's Praathoek (primare server), originele plaats van de website
Roel's technical notepad, blog op
Roel's it blog, blog op
SSL Server Test - mijn webserver gebruikt nu SSL met Forward Security
Handige links voor Microsoft zaken, voor IT Professionals
Digitized, cataloged and archived by the Houston Audio Control Room, at the NASA Johnson Space Center.
The Art of War by Sun Tzu - Original, accurate, and complete translation of all 13 chapters
Pursuing the light of objective truth in subjective darkness.
Hannah Arend - The Origins of Totalitarianism
HTML5: Edition for Web Authors
Test your browser to see how well you are protected from tracking and fingerprinting.
een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen
Unlocking the Motorola Bootloader, what is happening inside.
Building an invisible PC (video tutorial)
Building an invisible monitor (video tutorial)
PhotoMultiplier Tubes (PMT), Photocells, Photodiodes & Photo VacuumTubes
Solar Shed Summary - My Off Grid Office
Building the DSO138 Scope, Housing Assembly and USB Power
A web site dedicated to precise Time & Frequency
OpenPPS build a timesource using GPS geeft de precieze, officiele atoomkloktijd voor iedere tijdzone (meer dan 7 miljoen locaties) in 56 talen
PTB-Uhr genaue Zeit der Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Embedded Wednesdays - Getting started in the world of embedded systems
programmable bench power supply project
Building a 6 decimal Digit Milli-Volt Meter
The Millivolt Meter Project
KiCad EDA Software Suite
KiCad Best Practices: Library Management
KiCad software gets the CERN treatment
Homemade Radiation Geiger Dosimeter
Introduction to Solar Radiation Measurements
Computing stuff tied to the physical world
Just trying to untangle the threads
Hack a Day - Never Miss a Hack
Dragon Flame, build colorfull changing lights
about genuine handmade gadgets made up during late hours
Accessing Philips Hue and control the lights using JSON
Embedded fun projects at Olimex Ltd
more interesting hacks for your viewing pleasure
tutorials for electronic computer projects
Tips, tricks, circuit designs, sketch and code for electronics and Arduino
The SK6812 – another intelligent RGB LED
We love microchips - That's why we boil them in acid
IR Remote Control Detective
ICT in het Onderwijs blog
Old, not obsolete. Working with the Xilinx Virtex-E FPGA in a huge BGA package
Lattice MachXO2-7000HE (CPLD) Breakout Board
Learning VERILOG for FPGAs: The tools and building an adder
Lattice Diamond and MachXO2 Breakout Board Tutorial
Microsemi FPGA & SoC - Secure Hardware, Secure Design, Low Power
ECE5760 FPGA lectures 2011
Building your own SDR-based Passive Radar on a Shoestring
Reusable Integration Framework for FPGA Accelerators
Verilog tutorials pages for a Xilinx FPGA